Join Us
Requirements to become a member
- Be a former student of Sigalame High School.
- Pay Kshs. 1,000/=as registration fees
- Pay Kshs. 2,000/= as Annual Fees or Kshs. 20,000 as Life Membership payable in 4 equal monthly instalments.
- Actively participate in all alumni activities
Bank Account Details
- Account Name: Sigalame High School Alumni Association
- Bank: KCB Bank
- Account No: 1177967553
- Branch: Sarit Centre
- Bank Code: 01
- Branch Code: 141
- Swift Code: KCBLKENX
M-PESA Payment Details
- Go to M-PESA
- Lipa na MPESA Paybil
- Business Number (522522)
- Enter Account Number (1177967553)
- Enter Amount Insert Pin then Press ok
Why become a member of sigalame high school Alumni Association
- Be part of the journey that continues to create a positive
impact at the school and the community at large.
- Help build the social capital that comes as a result of
continuous networking amongst the alumni members.
- It is a requirement before one can become a member of
Sigalame Alumni Sacco.
- It is the most vibrant Alumni Association in Busia County.
You therefore do not want to miss being part of the front
runners in this aspect.
- Benefit from the Last Expense Insurance Cover that is
provided by virtue of being a member of Sigalame High
School Alumni Association.